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Quality Legal Services To The Business Community & Individuals.

Quality Legal Services To The Business Community & Individuals.

Magnon Chambers & Partners Firm

Magnon Chambers & Partners Firm  is a private law practice and partnership with Registration No: BA10799/15. The partners have each worked for a wide range of foreign investors operating worldwide, including corporations, mining and oil companies, banks, and listed companies.With vast experience and varying strengths, Magnon Chambers & Partners Firm partners appreciate the fact that today’s client requires solutions to the issues, which may go beyond legal opinions and an interpretation of the law. They, therefore, endeavor to ensure that their advice takes all aspects of the client’s business into consideration. Each of the lawyers has been involved in major transactions, including in the fields of project finance, oil and gas, mergers and acquisitions, and mining, and each has worked for or advised some of the largest organizations worldwide.

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